2059 15th Ave, Cameron, WI 54822

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(715) 999-4400

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About Us

About New Hope Pentecostal Church

New Hope Pentecostal Church is a Bible centered, sprit filled church that is equipping believers, nourishing the hurting, and training children and families to face today’s ever-changing world.  An environment of love and acceptance are staples in our church family.  Our worship and teaching is grounded in Christ’s message of equipping his followers with the power of the Holy Ghost as recorded in Acts 1:8 and Acts 2:38.

On November 3, 2016, the New Hope Pentecostals purchased a building located conveniently between Rice Lake and Cameron.  Prayers to have their own building were answered and the physical work began!  New roof, painted outside, and updates inside and out. We were able to start services in the main sanctuary the third Sunday of November with 19 persons strong in attendance and visitors coming each week.  We stand encouraged and excited to see God at work in peoples lives.

New Hope Cameron Church

Meet the Pastor

Reverend Greg and Lauri Welke of the United Pentecostal Church International have been commissioned to start a home missions church in Barron County. Twenty years ago, we sat before the Wisconsin district board with a burden to start a home missions church in Ladysmith, Wisconsin.

HERE WE GO AGAIN!  God has increased our borders with Bible studies and now an established church in Rice Lake/Cameron, WI.  Home missions has always been our passion.  We are thankful to the Wisconsin North American Missions for allowing us the opportunity to start a work in Barron County under the banner of the UPCI.

About us

Reverend Greg & Lauri Welke